The Walking Deceased

Image result for The Walking Deceased
Being a fan of spoofs, I was interested in watching this take on The Walking Dead, which I like. I have to say, I wasn’t at all hyped up for this. I had only seen the poster, not the trailer, so I didn’t know what to expect other than its genre mocking. I’m also going to say that it would have worked better having not been a parody, but a straight forward zombie film, because it had some good action scenes, but got desperately bogged down in trying to come up with jokes. The story is basically just an excuse to parody some films, like in Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, etc. The difference between them is that I actually liked the other parodies (well, not so much Disaster Movie, but I prefer it to this). The problem, the biggest one for this film, is that it’s not funny. I didn’t laugh at all. Not once. Now, I do like spoofs, but this to me was a parody of a spoof. These sorts of films are meant to be funny, right? Well, this one wasn’t. It tried a bit, throwing characters up on screen from other films, but on their own they weren’t funny, and you wanted to watch the films or TV shows they were lampooning. The only highlight was the end scenes where the characters fought off hordes of zombies. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone, though.
