
This is a TV film about a girl who is bullied on a chatroom, which then obviously spreads to the whole school. This is a serious and quite creepy subject because you don’t know who people really might be online. This film handled the seriousness of the issue quite well. However, it was SO predictable! They practically show you who is targeting the girl. I won’t spoil who it is, but it’s quite obvious after a while. The direction is competent, as are the performances. But it’s just generic, overall. It looks good, so that’s a plus. It would have been better though, if they didn’t show you who the bully was at that early stage. It could have been revealed at the end, where it wold have had a bigger impact and left the viewer riveted by the end. As it is, it just chugs it’s way to the end after the obvious reveal to the main character. It’s average.
