Image result for wonder woman
Image result for captain america the first avengerAm not really up to date that much with the current superhero movie trend, but I have to say, that I am really looking forward to the Wonder Woman movie. It looks like it could be really fun from the trailers. The trailer showcases Wonder Woman springing into action, with loads of explosions and slow-mo. The trailers do have the feel of the DC movieverse, in that it is dark and gritty, more so than the bright sparks of Marvel. This could be a great movie. Let’s hope it is. Talking about superhoro movie’s, I did sit down and watch Captain America: The First Avenger for the first time. I was hyped up about it, because you don’t normally hear a bad thing about Marvel movies, but I have to be honest, I didn’t really like the film. It was a bit too cheesy, I thought. Even the action scenes were to me, obvious green screen effects. I wasn’t expecting that at all. It’s not to say that it wasn’t fun, it just wasn’t up to par with the great superhero films.
