
Image result for confined movie
Confined is this thriller about a woman taking a place as a security park at this mansion ( I think it’s a mansion). Anyway, it’s big. And in that big place lies a secret.

I think the film is a fairly competent little psychological thriller where it’s not overly gory and relies somewhat on the eerie aspect of the place. It does seem watered down, though. And it’s really not that very scary. The twist (don’t worry, I won’t spoil it) is ok, but just that. It does make sense which I like. The performances were good, but the actions of the security guards minding the place was really out of kilter. Surely they would have been fired. But then again, it all is explained in the end with that twist. There are a few creepy bits here and there, but nothing overly creepy. I wouldn’t call it a horror, although it does have elements of the genre in there, it’s just more of a thriller. But it’s ok. It’s not bad. I would recommend it. It’s quite interesting.
