I had heard of this film for a long time before I saw it, so
I was hyped up. I knew that it was Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s debut film,
them of South Park fame. I have to say, when I watched it, it didn’t live up to
the hype. To me, it’s not a very entertaining film. It’s just average. I mean,
I was hoping it was going to be funnier, and sure, the expressions the actor
who plays Alferd Packer pulls are funny and over-the-top, but I wasn’t
impressed with the ensuing comedy. I did like the gore effects, they were done
quite well, but this isn’t a gore film. It’s a mildly amusing film. It also
does look like a Troma film, in that it’s set in this outrageous wolrd which
all Troma films seemingly are set in, called Tromaville. I like that, but it
wasn’t up to the par of other Troma films, like The Toxic Avenger, which are
consistently funny and gory. Sure, you expect the tacky clothing and production
design from this film studio, but this just didn’t live up to the others. I
wouldn’t recommend this film, though.
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