I don't mind daft, over-the-top
B-movies, but this was one of those movies where it would have certainly benefited from a larger budget. The story is simple, the acting is questionable and the clear CGI is woeful, but that's what's expected from a SyFy channel movie, the channel who brought us Sharknado along with other B-movies. I think this film is really just bearable. To it's credit, it did keep me interested, but the CGI is just laughable. I like films where things are laughable and this one ratcheted up the laughter by taking the CGI monsters as completely serious beings. It's just not believeable in the slightest. That being said, it is fun, if you're idea of fun is watching B list actors being terrorised by even worse CGI'ed monsters. I did like the creatures design, I think they did the part, but they were just badly animated. It's not the worst CGI I've ever seen, but it's up there - or down there. I would recommend it if you're looking for a cheesy B movie. The gore in this film is also completely CGI, with it splattering against walls. It's just obviously bad, I hoped that they weren't taking themselves seriously, but I think they were.
Once again, thank you to Soda Pictures.
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