It's pretty much predictable what this movie is going to be about.
Two titans fighting it out. And it is predictable, all the way through, however, that doesn't mean it's not fun, because it is fun.
The best parts of the movie is the action scenes with the titans fighting. The human characters could be scrapped altogether because the audience going into this movie doesn't really care about their stories. Trust me, anyone going to watch a movie titled Godzilla vs. Kong isn't going for the family drama.
The human characters are mostly there to provide some story links for the action to hinge upon. They aren't very memorable, except for a little girl who has an interesting connection with Kong, which was memorable, but nothing groundbreaking, compared to the monster on monster antics, anyway.
To be honest, I was expecting more action. Shocker. It's a relatively short film that packs in quite a bit of stuff, but for some reason I felt like there wasn't enough of Godzilla. There was more Kong than Godzilla, and the action was quite repetitive.
The ending was really predictable,but the movie as a whole is a fun diversion. Certainly not a brilliant movie, but a fun way to pass the time.
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