Saturn 3 is a sci-fi horror thriller which takes place on a sparsely inhabited planet. Two people live on it, but are visited by a man and his robot, which quickly malfunctions and causes murderous mayhem.
I really like the concept and the execution. It was completely surprising the way that it showed some gore, although there wasn't a lot of it. I wasn't expecting a guy to get chopped up when being launched into outer space. Completely wasn't expecting that and how they showed it. Although the movie doesn't launch itself straight into robot killing carnage, it kept me watching and I was anticipating eagerly how it would play out. To be honest (as I always am), the movie is fairly straightforward for nowadays, however that didn't take away my enjoyment from this movie at all. The opposite, in fact. It's really nice sometimes when it goes where you want the story to go. It's predictable, yes, but enjoyable. I see this a lot when people write their thoughts on movies and other media, that they're predictable and they make it seem like it's a bad thing. In my view, it's not. Why would it be bad when you want it to go somewhere and it goes there? I can see that it could be a not-so-good thing (using 'bad' too many times here) in that it could be predictable that it will turn out a way you don't want it to, but I digress. This is a good movie.
A good horror movie, as well. It has some nice creepy moments, especially a bit near the end when all has gone haywire and a characters face comes onto the statick-y CCTV screen. It is also a very atmospheric and quite closed movie. It takes place in pretty much one location, but that only adds to the atmosphere of dread. The robot is cool-looking and I can see it being scary, although I wasn't that scared of it. It is a bit creepy depending on how you look at it, but it's not the creepiest thing out there.
I enjoyed this movie so much more than I thought I would. The story completely caught my attention and the movie only drew me in more.
The acting on display is good, as well, I really bought that they were on a distant planet.
I highly recommend this movie.
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