Chopping Mall

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Chopping Mall is a horror comedy set in a, you guessed it, shopping mall. The title for this B-movie is creative and it goes along with the movie. Judging by the poster I had seen before watching, it seemed like it would be quite gory, however, it didn't really deliver all that gore I was expecting. It's still a fun, entertaining and quite silly horror comedy, with a lot of action. It's mainly a chase through shopping mall, where the characters get killed in not-so-gruesome ways. The movie never outstays it's welcome, running at an hour and twenty minutes. I also like movies that feature shopping malls, so I liked the location, although the movie is middle of the road. It's not great, but it's fun in a -switch-your-brain-off kind of way. It's also quite dated in the visual effects department, especially with the lasers. The acting isn't great, but the action more than compensates for that. It's quite relentless. I would recommend Chopping Mall, it's fun and undemanding. 
