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Swallow is billed as a horror movie, however, don't go in expecting a gory or scary movie. This is neither of those really, although there is some blood and the subject matter is scary. However, it's more a drama than a horror movie. 

Basically we follow a young lady who has gotten married, but has some serious problems, which lead her to swallow objects. 

The movie has lots of beautiful cinematography, which contradicts the subject matter. The actors and actresses do a fine job and are believable. 

I liked this movie, although it did seem to drag a bit and I did lose interest a smidge. However, I really liked how it ended. 

(Spoiler alert) The camera shows the main character in a public bathroom and then she leaves, the camera doesn't follow her, instead showing other women using the sinks, and then the titles come up on screen. It's really interesting, and I think you could read a message into it, maybe that other people may be hiding things. I'm not sure, though. (End of spoiler)

All in all, I think this is a good movie. I wouldn't say it's a movie I loved, but it's a good movie to watch and I recommend it. 
